
Showing posts from September, 2022

The Savant Code Program Review Scam

James’ journey began with something as simple as playing the piano to appreciate soothing sounds that helped relax the brain. Dr Darold Treffert gave Dundy recordings of the Tibetan monks’ audio tracks called the manifestation frequencies. James witnessed a tremendous change in his life after listening to these audio tracks.  The Savant Code  makes use of these divine Tibetan tracks or manifestation frequencies to ensure its users enjoy a life of abundance and prosperity. Essentially, users can bring forth an abundant life without having to change their external situations. Instead, they look inward to create opportunities with the magnetic power of the mind. To unlock your mental powers, this code will show you how to activate the right side of your brain. It helps to clear out the negative energy from the body, and it only takes a few minutes a day to feel the differences. Increases positivity and removes negative thoughts from the brain. Once the negativities and blocks are taken aw